Low Key Kickback in Oakland 6/24 with Davie / Davey Goodman

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Hello there. I'm excited to announce that the Oakland Lo-Key EP release party is booked! It's going to be a Low Key Kickback at The Octopus Literary Salon in Downtown Oakland around Webster St @ 22nd (see map below) on Saturday, June 24th from 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM.

Come out to celebrate the release with me and enjoy the groovy sounds of Calgary James and Stanwood. It's going to be a laid-back, rock n' roll night with psychadelic notes of jazz and blues.

There is also a Santa Cruz show in the works for that same weekend! I'll post an update when we figure out the details. You can support us by coming out to the shows and/or donating to our GoFundMe: Lo-Key EP Album Release Party (GoFundMe). I'll post some pictures of the rewards soon so you can see the dope merch that we've got for you.

The Octopus Literary Salon -- https://oaklandoctopus.org:

PS. I added Davey Goodman to the title since my name sometimes gets misspelled that way. ;)

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